Review: Skinny You Tea 14 Day Teadetox (Wheat/Gluten Free)

Skinny You Tea 14 Day Teadetox ★★★★★
Price: $36.95
About: tea detox designed to aid weight loss, remove toxins from the body, quicken your metabolism, suppress appetite and rid the body of toxic waste. Contains: 14 x Good Morning tea bags, 7 x Good Night tea bags and 7 x Colon Cleansing Night Time tea bags.
Review: Like many of us, I am a stickler for eating naughty foods and not finding time/motivation for exercise but since I was diagnosed as gluten intolerant, I have become increasingly aware of what I put in my body. Earlier this year I noticed an emergence of tea detoxes and after reading about consumers' success stories, I was intrigued to learn more. Skinny You Tea is a detoxification blend for the body. Made from herbs and tea leaves, Skinny You Tea uses 100% natural and organic ingredients all sourced and packaged in Australia. The brand spends a lot of time on social networking channels promoting good health and well being and they have a great following on Instagram so I was thrilled to have the opportunity to trial and review their 14 Day Teadetox for Spoilt readers.

The positive experience started from the moment I placed my order. Within two days my Skinny You Tea arrived in the mail in a sealed silver pack and inside the pack I discovered a pack of Good Morning Tea, Good Night Tea and Colon Cleansing tea in separate packs, all clearly marked and containing information on how to use them. The pack also contained a detailed list of what you can eat / should avoid during your teadetox, an example of what to eat through the day, an exercise guide and information on the Skinny You Tea product range. This was really impressive because as mentioned, this was my first ever tea detox so I wanted to know as much about the experience as I possibly could before starting. Initially I was worried about which of my favourite foods I would have to pass up during the two week period but luckily the majority of foods I eat are already on the approved list because I tend to eat relatively healthy and drink a lot of water which is another key part of the detox.

So how did the tea taste? Fantastic!! All of the teas seem to have the same delicious taste and I actually found it to be so appealing that once my detox ended, I was sad to go back to drinking black tea again. If you are a tea drinker then Skinny You Tea is a really nice beverage to drink and all the while you can be sure it is working its magic to ridding your body of unnecessary toxins and helping you to lose weight. While I was hoping to slim down and lose a little weight, I was not expecting to and so I tried to be strict with my diet by keeping it healthy, ensuring I ate a nutritious breakfast, lunch and tea, drinking warm water with fresh lemon as prescribed when I woke, sipping as much green tea as prescribed. After 2 to 3 days of my tea detox, my appetite was suppressed and I started to feel fuller for longer and this has only just started to wear off 3 weeks later - impressive!

Good Morning Tea is designed to suppress your appetite, boost energy levels, cleanse the body, burn calories and reduce bloating to name just a few of its fantastic qualities.

Good Night Tea is designed to help you sleep well, cleanse the body, reduce sugar cravings,burn calories and improve digestion.

Colon Cleansing Tea is the star product of the entire teadetox, primarily designed to rid the body of toxic waste, improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Designed to be consumed every second night, alternating with Good Night Tea, this is the product that users will need to trial for their first few uses. Why? Well depending on your body's tolerance it is recommended that you leave the tea bag in for 5-8 minutes. However, if you suffer constipation or have a 'stomach of steel' then you can open the bag, pop the tea leaves in the cup and drink them ... but this option is NOT for the faint hearted. The first time I used Colon Cleansing Tea, I left the tea bag in the whole time and 12 hours later my stomach was in a lot of pain and I had to run to the bathroom three times within 10 minutes! After this experience, I would leave the tea bag in for 5-8 minutes at most and this was the right strength for me and my body. Colon Cleansing Tea takes approximately 8-12 hours to work its magic so keep this in mind if you have a day job that might interfere, etc. After emptying my bowels, I could not believe how flat my stomach looked and how fantastic I felt - it was like losing 5 kilos in one go ... an exaggeration, yes but the results are truly remarkable and really exceeded my expectations.

As I am not a sporty kind of chick, I made sure to add in a little workout daily around my healthy eating and consuming Skinny You Tea, which consisted of taking a daily walk on work lunch breaks, moving around the office more, a minimum of 50 butt squats and 20 ab crunches daily. It might not sound like much but in that time I went from having a saggy butt to now having what a friend describes as a 'bubble butt' - it is perky and I love it! On weekends I made sure to take the dogs for a walk and just generally move around more.

Being gluten intolerant, I cannot eat products containing wheat so I eat a lot of rice. While white rice was not recommended, I replaced my sushi lunch rolls with brown rice rolls. At the end of every day, I usually drink 1.5 glasses of Pepsi Max - it is my daily indulgence - so I reduced my intake to a 3/4 glass every evening, in turn halving my normal intake. Chocolate, sugar and pasta were all big no no's and luckily for me I was not tempted to eat any of these naughty foods.

Before and After.
My 14 day Skinny You Teadetox passed quickly and I was a little sad when it ended because I really did feel uplifted, motivated and slimmer whilst using it. At the time I did not have any scales in the house but I know I weighed around 62 or 63kg. A couple of days after my teadetox ended, I invested in a set of scales and found that I now weigh 59.8kg... something I have not seen on the scales for 4 years! I was just ecstatic and I really felt fantastic. My husband can't stop looking at my butt and telling me how good I look and he wants to invest in a 14 day pack in a few weeks time when I order another pack. How exciting! A perfect 5 stars goes to this product because Skinny You Teadetox works, it has made me look better, feel better and the brand has even gone to the trouble of creating a gluten free range for those of us who can't stomach wheat - and they ship worldwide. If that isn't enough to persuade you then be sure to follow them on Instagram or visit their website to see real-life before and after transformations.
Purchased? No.

Skinny You Tea: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter